x264 HD Benchmark 5.0
by graysky
updated by Adrian Wong & Dashken
What Is x264 HD Benchmark?
x264 HD Benchmark is a benchmark that allows you to measure how fast your PC can encode a 1080p video clip into a high quality x264 video file. It allows for an easy comparison because everyone running it will use the same video clip and software. The x264 video encoder has a fairly accurate internal benchmark (in frames per second) for each pass of the video encode and it also uses multi-core processors very efficiently. All these factors make the x264 HD Benchmark an ideal tool in comparing the video encoding performance of different processors and systems.
What's New In Version 5.0.1?
For starters, we are also introducing a new 1080p video clip with a tougher benchmark script to really stress the newer multi-core processors. To top it off, the x264 HD Benchmark is now capable of running in 64-bit mode, as well as 32-bit mode.
We also updated the benchmark with revision 2200 of the x264 encoder, and CPU-Z 1.60.1. The new x264 encoder supports the following features :
- Threaded lookahead
- 8x8 and 4x4 adaptive spatial transform
- Adaptive B-frame placement
- B-frames as references / arbitrary frame order
- CAVLC/CABAC entropy coding
- Custom quantization matrices
- Intra: all macroblock types (16x16, 8x8, 4x4, and PCM with all predictions)
- Inter P: all partitions (from 16x16 down to 4x4)
- Inter B: partitions from 16x16 down to 8x8 (including skip/direct)
- Interlacing (MBAFF)
- Multiple reference frames
- Ratecontrol: constant quantizer, constant quality, single or multipass ABR, optional VBV
- Scenecut detection
- Spatial and temporal direct mode in B-frames, adaptive mode selection
- Parallel encoding on multiple CPUs
- Predictive lossless mode
- Psy optimizations for detail retention (adaptive quantization, psy-RD, psy-trellis)
- Zones for arbitrarily adjusting bitrate distribution
New! The latest version is 5.0.1 with the following changes :
- Solved the problem of the benchmark not generating results if the benchmark folder has a space or spaces in the name.
- Solved the problem of the "missing" results.rtf file.
- Corrected minor mistakes in the script.
This is a minor update, so the results from this version can be compared with the original version 5.0 benchmark.
Version Numbering
Starting with x264 HD Benchmark 5.0, we will be increasing the frequency of updates to support ever newer revisions of the x264 encoder. This requires a logical version numbering for everyone to keep track of. This is the system we will be using henceforth :
- Complete revisions of the benchmark will have full number changes (4.0 -> 5.0). Results of different complete revisions are NOT to be compared!
- Major revisions of the benchmark will include new x264 encoders and/or changes to the benchmark files that will affect performance. These will be numbered after the first decimal point (5.0 -> 5.1) Therefore, results of different major revisions are NOT to be compared too!
- Minor revisions of the benchmark will include new CPU-Z builds and/or changes to the benchmark files that will not affect performance. These will be numbered after the second decimal point (5.0 -> 5.0.1). The results of different minor revisions can be compared.
As always, please do not just update the x264 encoder by yourself as your results will not be comparable with results from other users. The usefulness of a benchmark relies not only on its ability to deliver an assessment of a computer's performance but also the ability to directly compare one set of results with another set of results. This is only possible if everyone is using the same benchmark, with the same encoder, and the same settings.
Download The Benchmark Here!
Important : To avoid third-party tampering with the benchmark files, please do NOT modify or redistribute this benchmark on any other websites or forums. Please advice your readers and friends to ONLY check this page for the latest official copy.
We highly recommend that you do NOT download this benchmark from any other source. If you received this benchmark from another source, like a friend, please verify the authenticity of the file by checking the file size and MD5 and SHA1 checksums below :
- Full Download (Version 5.0.1) ->
- Download this if you are downloading the x264 HD Benchmark 5.0 for the first time, or have a fast Internet connection with no bandwidth limit.
- File size : 108,011,181 bytes
- MD5 : e5af6308faad358c3662b20936495552
- SHA1 : b3266edf9d5b401535b7897e3a9f21743fa8a79e - Upgrade Download (Version 5.0.1) ->
- Download this if you already have the original x264 HD Benchmark 5.0, and only wish to upgrade it.
- Just expand the contents into the folder containing the original x264 HD Benchmark 5.0 files and replace the older files.
- File size : 8,160 bytes
- MD5 : 19c83b1e8df70644ac1b8695b69c1c00
- SHA1 : dd465fe385523f20cd982b821f2846c4bf9bfbdb
If any of those numbers differ, you have a modified copy of the benchmark, and you should NOT run it! To be sure you have an unmodified, clean copy of this benchmark, please download only from the links above.
Be sure to download and install AviSynth 2.5.8 as well!
Important - If you are using an Intel Core i7 or Core i5 processor (or their Xeon brethren), please be sure to turn off Intel Turbo Mode in the BIOS for accurate results! Similarly, if you are using an AMD processor that supports Turbo Core, please disable that as well. Otherwise, please inform us that your results are based on a CPU using Turbo Mode or Turbo Cache.
Reporting Results
Results will be published at the x264 HD Benchmark CPU Performance Comparison Guide for all to view. A more concise list of results will be made available in this article later. If you would like to contribute your results, simply post the contents of your results.rtf (or whatever you name your results file) to this forum thread.
Important - If you are using an Intel Core i7 or Core i5 processor (or their Xeon brethren), please be sure to turn off Intel Turbo Mode in the BIOS for accurate results! Similarly, if you are using an AMD processor that supports Turbo Core, please disable that as well. Otherwise, please inform us that your results are based on a CPU using Turbo Mode or Turbo Cache.
Since the output is merely a text file, you can recognize the potential for people to cheat by simply making up their own results, or skewing the real data. There's no way to eliminate this. All we can say about this is please don't do it. No one will think you're cool because you have faster numbers and we are not going to publicize the results with your name by it (the data will be anonymized) so there are no bragging rights, etc.
Enjoy and thanks for participating!
- gs, Dashken and Adrian Wong
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Section |
Page |
Topic |
x264 HD Benchmark 5.0 |
1 |
• What Is x264 HD Benchmark? |
2 |
3 |
• Having Trouble Running The Benchmark? |
4 |
5 |
• The Benchmark Command Line Settings | ||
x264 HD Benchmark 4.0 |
6 |
• What Is x264 HD Benchmark? |
7 |
8 |
• Having Trouble Running The Benchmark? |
x264 HD Benchmark 3.0 |
9 |
• Download The Benchmark Here! |
10 |
• Having Trouble Running The Benchmark? |
11 |
12 |
13 |
x264 HD |
14 |
• Download The Benchmark Here! |
15 |
16 |
Questions & Comments
Please feel free to post your questions or comments here!
Date | Revision | Revision History |
06-06-2012 |
5.0.1 |
Released the new x264 HD Benchmark 5.0.1 installation. |
25-05-2012 |
5.0 |
Expanded the benchmark to support 64-bit x264 encoding. |
07-03-2011 |
4.0 |
Released the new x264 HD Benchmark 4.0, based on the new x264 r1913 encoder and CPU-Z 1.57. |
27-08-2010 |
3.19 |
Updated the benchmark with CPU-Z 1.55. This will not affect the results. |
29-03-2010 |
3.18 |
Moved the full list of benchmark results to a separate article. |
22-03-2010 |
3.17 |
Added the Intel Xeon W3520 workstation processor (overclocked to 3.94 GHz) |
12-03-2010 |
3.16 |
Added the Intel Core i7-960 desktop processor (overclocked to 3.6 GHz). |
27-02-2010 |
3.15 |
Improved the x264 HD Benchmark 3 Render Speed (Average) results by showing the Pass 1 : Pass 2 ratio (mouse-over the chart to see the difference). |
18-02-2010 |
3.14 |
Added the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 desktop processor (overclocked to 3.33 GHz). |
11-02-2010 |
3.13 |
Added the Intel Core i7-860 desktop processor (overclocked to 2.93 GHz). |
06-02-2010 |
3.12 |
Added the Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 desktop processor (overclocked to 3.4 GHz). |
02-02-2010 |
3.11 |
Added the Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 desktop processor (overclocked to 4.18 GHz). |
28-01-2010 |
3.10 |
Added the Intel Core i7-960 desktop processor. |
23-01-2010 |
3.09 |
Added Memory Type to the results table. |
18-01-2010 |
3.08 |
Added the AMD Phenom II X4 945 desktop processor at stock speed, as well as overclocked to 3.45 GHz and 3.6 GHz. |
13-01-2010 |
3.07 |
Added the Intel Core i7-920 desktop processor (overclocked to 4.0 GHz). |
10-01-2010 |
3.06 |
Made minor changes to the benchmark that will not affect the results. |
07-01-2010 |
3.05 |
Added the Intel Core i7-920 desktop processor (overclocked to 3.6 GHz). |
24-12-2009 |
3.04 |
Added the Intel Core i7-975 Extreme Edition desktop processor. |
17-12-2009 |
3.03 |
Added the improved results of the Intel Core i7-950 desktop processor. |
10-12-2009 |
3.02 |
Made a minor change to the batch script that will not affect the results. |
30-11-2009 |
3.01 |
Made a minor change to the batch script that will not affect the results. |
24-11-2009 |
3.0 |
This major revision upgrades the x264 encoder to the release 1342 and CPU-Z 1.52.2. |
29-04-2008 |
2.0 |
This major revision adds script detection for Windows Vista with UAC enabled. |
17-04-2008 |
1.2 |
This release automatically inserts the relevant hardware details into the results.rtf file as well as gives users the option to run version 0.59.819 of x264.exe which is 10-15 % faster than the original! |
15-03-2008 |
1.0 |
Initial Release |