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Counterfeit Intel Retail Processors Rev. 3.1
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How To Identify A Fake Intel Retail Processor (Continued)

Please note that there are multiple sources for counterfeit boxing materials so some counterfeit boxes may not exhibit some or even all of the differences noted below. Therefore, the following tips do not necessarily confirm that a boxed processor is genuine or counterfeit.

Plastic Container

Genuine : The plastic container is clear in colour and stiff.

Counterfeit : The fake plastic container has a milky-white tinge and is flimsy.

Plastic Container Locks

Genuine : The plastic container should have sealed locks that have to be broken (and cannot be reused).

Counterfeit : The plastic container will have reusable locks.


Genuine : There should be three packs of documentation. The documentation will be printed on thicker paper with better print quality.

Counterfeit : Only one manual will be present and it will be printed on thin paper with poorer print quality.


Counterfeit : Some of the printed text will be blurry.


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Hazards Of Using A Fake Retail Processor
The New ES Hazard


• How To Identify A Fake Intel Retail Processor
   - Box Print Quality
   - Box Seal
   - Seal Sticker
   - Label


• How To Identify A Fake Intel Retail Processor
   - Plastic Container
   - Plastic Container Locks
   - Documentation


• How To Identify A Fake Intel Retail Processor
   - Fan Label
   - Smell???
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