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Microsoft Office Keyboard Review
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A keyboard is something which you use every time you use your computer. Have you ever thought of any features that someone could add to it that would make your day to day typing jobs easier, faster and more efficient? Probably not.

Then again, wasn't that the case a while back ago when you were quite happy using your standard 2 or 3 button mouse thinking that life was good without the thought crossing your mind that you would have a much easier life if someone embedded a scroll wheel into your mouse. With the scroll wheel, you don't have to reach for the scrollbar controls every time you need to scroll your document.

Now, even cheap RM 5 mice have a scroll wheel because it just makes life easier. Heck, some of them even have 2 or 3 wheels!

So far, the most radical changes we've ever seen in keyboards were the addition of extra buttons for quick access to certain programs and commands. And then from Microsoft, the company who has a virtually unlimited R&D budget and a whole slew of usability labs came IMHO, the most radically designed keyboard MS ever came out with - the love it or hate it Microsoft Natural Keyboard! BTW, I fall under the "hate it" category :P.

Keys were added, keys were dropped. And soon, the keyboard world will never be the same again.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my proud honour to present to you my review of the latest keyboard from Microsoft - the Microsoft Office Keyboard!

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